If you want to build a powerful and responsive email list then you should check out the 6 list building tools detailed in the article below.
(1) Podcasting
It has only become possible in the last few years for you as a small business to create your "talk radio show" using freely available software. To create a podcast you must have the ability to record your audio and save it as a MP3 file. Don't stop at one "show" but create an entire series. Put up on your website or blog. Then you then can offer the first podcast as a freebie but require people to subscribe to your email list to receive access to the others.
(2) Article Marketing
Write articles that help people to solve problems or that answer tricky questions and people will want to hear more from you and get other information from you. Articles are one the best list building tools available. Use your resource box at the end of each article to lead interested back to your website and enrollment into your email list.
(3) Create eCourses
Use an autoresponder service to create a series of 7 to 10 articles that detail how to solve a problem. Have people signup for the free email course which sends out a "lesson" every week. At the course's end give people an opportunity to sign up for your regular newsletter/email list.
(4) Produces Videos
Lights, Camera, PowerPoint? Yes, will just a little bit of training and some free or affordable software, you too, can write, produce, even star in your own little training video. And it should be a training video. Take something that you already know how to fix, make or solve and then share this knowledge with your niche market via a video. But require that they use a signup form before they can view the complete video series.
(5) Create a Hubpage or Squidoo Lens
Both of these two Web 2.0 systems takes content in the form of videos, podcasts or articles and make them easily accessible and shareable to lots of its members. When you upload content to their sites, their members as well as visitors can "vote" on your content and can quickly bounce from your hub or lens back to your signup page on your website.
(6) Post in Forums
Join in forums where your target market hangs out in. Notice what problems people are talking about. Study the answers given and do your homework on learning more about most common ones. Once you know a bit more, when someone posts a topic, you can answer their question in a friendly and helpful way. Do this several times a week. Over time, people will come to think of you as an expert. Use your forum signature line to link back to your newsletter signup page.
You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you can build your list using these list building tools above.
This article with useful information about the importance of list building to increase your bottom line and ultimately your profits was brought to you by Michael Murphy. Try visiting also his list building site at http://www.downlinebuilderdirect.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_S._Murphy
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