Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Submit RSS Feeds

the following sites allowing you to submit RSS feeds:

Consider RSS Submit to automate submissions!

RSS Feeds

RSS Network - submit RSS feeds & select category

RSS Locator - submit RSS feeds

Syndic8 - submit RSS feeds

DayPop - post your RSS feed or blog

Feedster - submit your RSS feed

Rocket News - post your RSS feed

Technorati - submit your RSS feed to be pinged

Userland - submit rss feeds

Postami - submit rss feeds

Finance Investing Feeds - Only submit finance or investment related feeds.

Security Protection Feeds - Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category.

Realty Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category.

Medical Feeds - Submit feeds related to medical care or health.

Religious Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.

Sports Feeds - Submit sports related RSS feeds and podcasts.

Political Feeds - Submit political feeds and podcasts.

Government Feeds - Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies. Feeds from both Local and federal governments are accepted.

Educational Feeds - Submit feeds and podcasts related to education.

2RSS - submit rss and assign category (on bottom)

NewsMob - submit rss news feeds

RocketInfo - submit your rss content and feed

Edu RSS - harvests only feeds dealing with educational technology and related issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list.

Sourceforge.net- submit News using XML

Complete RSS - enter the url(s) of the feeds you wish to add to the directory.

Feeds.com.br - add rss feeds

MoreOver - Moreover connects to thousands of online sources handpicked for excellence and trustworthiness. In order to maintain the quality of the directory all submission are evaluated prior to inclusion.

GeneCast - RSS news feed submissions

Memigo - submit a news link to memigo

PubSub - PubSub reads more than 2 million syndicated feeds, matches messages to subscriptions and delivers messages to subscribers in real time.

BulkFeeds - submit an rss feed

Ping-O-Matic - rss feed submissions (pings site)

Yenra - submit RSS news feed

easyRSS - gives you a direct access to the content you are interested in.

NewsXS - submit rss feeds

FeedFarm - all submitted feeds are reviewed

FastBuzz - submit feeds

RSSFeeds - submit rss feeds

Search4RSS - submit RSS feeds

DeskFeeds - rss feed and blog submissions

Terrar - rss feed submissions

The Feed Spot - submit feeds

StepNewz - submit rss news feeds

RSS Verzeichnis - German feed submissions

4Guys from Rolla - submit feeds

DevASP - add feed listing

FuzzySoftware - submit XML listings

ASP Index - submit RSS feeds

SourceForge - submit news feeds

Feed Directory - submit RSS feeds in the feed directory.

FeedBeagle - submit feeds (scroll down)

FeedPlex - submit feeds

Feeds4All - submit RSS feeds

NewsFeedFinder - submit RSS feeds

Plazoo - submit RSS feeds

Newzfire - submit RSS feeds

Feed24 - RSS feed submissions

Shas3 - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

RSS Feeds Directory - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

FeedCat - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

FeedMiner - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

RSS Clipping - add RSS urls

Read A Feed - add RSS urls

Loomia - add RSS feeds

Feeds2Read - add your RSS feeds

Feedzie - add your RSS feeds

RSS Portal - add your RSS feeds

RSS Feed 4U - add your RSS feeds

StepNewz - suggest RSS feeds

StepNewz - suggest RSS feeds

Thomas Korte - automated feed submissions

JordoMedia - suggest RSS feeds

RSS Mad - add an RSS feed (on bottom right side)

FeedBomb - Navigate category and suggest a feed.

nFeeds - Submit RSS feeds only.

Auto Feeds - Submit automotive feeds only.

News Goblin - Submit automotive feeds only.

Wordum - Submit automotive feeds only

FeedSee - Submit feeds using keyword searches.

Ez2News - Submit RSS feeds

Submit Feeds - RSS submission feeds

Feedooyoo - Submit RSS feeds

Science Port - Add RSS feeds

FeedAge - Submit RSS feeds

GoldenFeed - Submit RSS feeds

RSSMicro - Submit RSS feeds

FeedDirectory - Submit RSS feeds

Octora RSS Feeds - Submit RSS feeds

FeedFury - Submit RSS feeds

National Lib for Health - Submit Medical feeds

RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds

FindRSS - Submit RSS feeds

FeedBase - Submit RSS feeds

RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds

MoreNews.be - Submit RSS feeds

Day Time News - Submit RSS feeds

FeedGod - suggest a feed (on the right)

RSSBuffet - submit an RSS feed

SolarWarp- submit an RSS feed

Feedest - submit a feed

RSSMicro - submit a feed

Videocast Feeds

Videocasting Station - Submit RSS feeds

Regional Feeds

RSS Feeds.be - Beligian RSS feeds. (no obvious way to submit feeds)

RSS Nachrichten.de - German RSS feed directory.

RSS feeds Israel - Israeli RSS feeds

Spanish Feeds - Spanish RSS feeds

Japanese Feeds - Japanese RSS feeds

Submission Tools

FeedPark - submit RSS feeds automated submission helper

FeedShot - fee based feed submission

SubmitEmNow - addon for feed submissions

Feed Validator

RSS Feed Validator - validate your feed to ensure your code is correct

Podcast Submissions


Submit Blogs and Blog RSS Feeds

Blog Digger - submit your rss feed for your blog

ReadABlog - submit your blog

Blogarama - submit your blog

BlogStreet - blog submissions

Globe of Blogs - submit your rss feed for you blog

Kmax Blog Links - blog submission

BlogDex - submit your blog

Blog Universe - blog submission

BlogSearchEngine - submit rss feeds for web logs

BlogHop - submit feeds for blogs

BlogWise - rss feed submission for blogs

EatonWeb - submit feed for online blogs

PopDex - feed sumbission for web blogs

Blizg - submit rss feeds for web logs

Blo.gs - blog submissions

BlogCensus - submit your rss feed for your blog

BlogTree - blog submission

BlogStreet - rss feed submission for blog

BritBlog - blog submission

BlogLines - submit your blog to the directory

Bloogz - submit your blog

Australian Blog Directory - submit your blog

BoingBoing - submit blogs for review

RootBlog - enter the URL of a RSS feed you want to added to the database.

Weblog Directory - submit blog to directory

BlogoSphere EcoSystems - add your weblog

Blogz - add your blog

BlogWatcher - submit the url of your web log

BlogMatcher - submit your blog url

BlogPulse - automated trend discovery system for blogs

BlogCatalog - The Ultimate Blog Directory - Search For Blogs

Blogdir - spanish blog community

Blogs R Us - add feed

Blogs By City - add your blog!

FeedMap - submit a blog!

BlogSearch - submit blogs

PubSub - blog feed submission.

BlogSweet - blog feed submission.

BlogFlux - blog feed submission.

Blogtastic - blog feed submission.

Blog Introduction - submit blogs.

Finding Blog - blog submissions

Bulletize - blog submissions

BlogTopSites - blog submissions

Blog Fuse- blog submissions

Blogion- blog submissions

AddUrlBlog- add blogs

Blogbib- add blogs

BOTW Blog- add blogs

Blog Directory Submit- add blogs

BlogTopSites- add blogs (they will provide required code that must be inserted in your website, in order for blogtopsites to rank your blog)

iBlogBusiness - add business blogs only

BlogSiteZone - manually add blogs to directory.

BlogTopList - adds blogs to directories.

BlogBurst - adds blogs to directories.

Podcast Submissions

Podcasting Station - submit podcasts

Podcast Submission Directory - submit podcasts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Viral Marketing 101 - Not Using It Could Kill Your Business!

This is one virtue a site must possess to lead the race in the ruthless competition in the Internet based business. With so many competition and rivalry going on, every method of marketing must be employed and utilized.

It doesn’t matter if you have a killer product or a fantastically designed website, if people don’t know that you exist, it doesn’t matter, and you are not going to make it big. Worse of all, you business could just get killed.

While there are so many methods and schemes used by so many e-commerce sites today, there are still some of those that can help you with an extra boost in the popularity ratings. One of these is the so called Viral Marketing.

While the term Viral easily depicts a virus, a word very much dreaded by all computer owners, it is not what it seems. You do not actually use a computer virus to spread your business; on the contrary it just might kill you. Everyone has had enough of all those pop up ads and spywares.

Viral Marketing Overview

Viral Marketing also known otherwise as Viral Advertising is a marketing technique used to build the public awareness of one’s product or company. They use many forms of media to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product by riding on in other forms of addictive means that could get a person hooked and be obliged or amused to actually pass it on, with the product or company advertisement along with it.

In a nutshell, companies ride on the idea that if people like the content of a media they will pass it on to their friends and family. They sponsor the certain media, such as a cool flash game, funny video, amusing story and such, which one may pass on to another with the company brand or logo or the products description or any other content to help promote the company or its product.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of advertising and marketing because they are relatively low cost. To avoid being tagged as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the eagerness of one person to pas on the product. If a person sees the name of the person they know as the sender, they won’t block it and open it as well.

Many companies offer incentives such as discounts and rebates when they help in spreading their viral marketing. They rely on the number of recipients a viral marketing gets from one person in determining the amount or number of incentive they can be attributed with.

Using Viral Marketing to your advantage

The main and foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of publicity and public awareness about your site and your company. You get to generate a flow of traffic that are potential customers. With a little ingenuity and imagination, plus some incentives or prizes, you can reach out to a great number of people and announce your existence.

Most every site and companies are catching on to the effectivity of Viral Marketing and Advertising. Not using it could kill your business. Along with other schemes and methods in promoting your site, like Search Engine Optimization and such, viral marketing could easily push you ahead in the rating games.

Viral Marketing could be a sneaky way to get people to know about you and your company. You get them to pass your advertisement along. They are also very low cost that not investing in it could be downright a business suicide. All it takes is a great idea, a good addicting game, a funny story many ideas are still out there. Create a gossip or a buzz, many movies are promoted by using scandals and gossips to make them moiré popular. Remember the movie “The Blair Witch Project”?

Many big companies have tried viral marketing and have had many success stories with it. A classic example is Microsoft’s Hotmail. They were the first known big company to utilize the scheme and it has worked wonders for them.

Now it’s your turn to use viral marketing to work wonders for you. Act now and reap the benefits Viral Marketing will provide for you and your sales figures.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Benefits From Opt-In Marketing

There are myriads of ways that you can do marketing on the web. It is your preference in choosing the method and strategies that you want to employ to get your marketing campaign into full drive. One point to note is that results do differ. The concept of marketing is admittedly general. Still it is to the marketer's advantage that he or she has the ultimate choice to opt for whatever method and strategies that best suit the campaign.

Opt-in marketing is essentially consensual marketing. You are giving the potential customer the option to choose whether to get into a seller-buyer relationship with you. This infers that he or she will reveal his or her name and email addresses if the answer is positive. In so doing, you are presented with the opportunity to build the name list, carry on this seller-buyer relationship , and expand your online business.

What kind of benefits you can expect to get from opt-in marketing? There are indeed so many that you will appreciate opt-in marketing for what it is all about.

(1) You can project a clean image

The process of marketing requires communication. You need to talk to people. If you want them to buy your product or service, you have to communicate, and do it effectively. Good communication requires you to project a clean image of yourself as a marketer. Opt-in marketing enhances this image of you. It brings forth the ethical side of you to potential buyers. It is permission-granted marketing that is involved here - to your advantage.

(2) You can capture names and email addresses

To build or to extend your customer list, opt-in marketing is definitely the best solution. With opt-in marketing, you will get to collect names and email addresses of potential buyers, of course with their implied prior consent. As the list grows, you can further categorize it into various segments in terms of personal taste, buying preference, frequency of purchase, and so on. This benefit will enable you to plan ahead other strategies relating to the segmentation.

(3) Elimination of being pushy

An important benefit that you can get from opt-in marketing is that you will not be viewed as being one of the pushy salesmen on the web. The opt-in box provided on your web page offers potential customers the choice of participating in your product or just simply move off. Permission is granted once they key in their first names and email addresses. This should leave no room for arguments in the future.

(4) Ability to act according to your own strategy

Opt-in marketing empowers you to create an opt-in box aligned to your planned strategy. You can capture only qualified prospects, usually requesting them for their First name, Primary Email, and the Subscribe or Sign Up button. Furthermore, you can protect yourself from legal accusation of intrusion by including the Privacy Policy. Opt-in marketing thus gives you the power to capture potential customer data in a reliable and safe way.

(5) Ability to make opt-in box easily found

The opt-in box can be made easily found and accessible. Prospects will find it easy and time-saving to reveal their names and email addresses once they have decided to subscribe or sign up. The opt-in offer would preferably be given in a title that is compelling. It has to be a strong call to action. This description has to solve the specific problem of the prospect.

(6) Opportunity to send follow-up emails

With opt-in marketing, you will benefit from sending follow-up emails to your subscribers by means of autoresponders. Through these emails, you can strongly encourage them to read through what you have freely given them. It is a win-win situation for you and subscriber. You can build the relationship besides highlighting the special benefits of your product. Your subscriber in return can receive good advice from you about the benefits of the current product bought, or even benefits of forthcoming new products.

In conclusion, opt-in marketing is the real door to building your customer list. In the process, you will gain the trust of customers and effectively build the relationship that is ever so vital to online marketing. Stay with opt-in marketing. You will reap all of its benefits it can offer you.

For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here

Webmaster: Jeremy Long Chia Teik.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeremy_Long_Chia_Teik

List Building Tools

If you want to build a powerful and responsive email list then you should check out the 6 list building tools detailed in the article below.

(1) Podcasting

It has only become possible in the last few years for you as a small business to create your "talk radio show" using freely available software. To create a podcast you must have the ability to record your audio and save it as a MP3 file. Don't stop at one "show" but create an entire series. Put up on your website or blog. Then you then can offer the first podcast as a freebie but require people to subscribe to your email list to receive access to the others.

(2) Article Marketing

Write articles that help people to solve problems or that answer tricky questions and people will want to hear more from you and get other information from you. Articles are one the best list building tools available. Use your resource box at the end of each article to lead interested back to your website and enrollment into your email list.

(3) Create eCourses

Use an autoresponder service to create a series of 7 to 10 articles that detail how to solve a problem. Have people signup for the free email course which sends out a "lesson" every week. At the course's end give people an opportunity to sign up for your regular newsletter/email list.

(4) Produces Videos

Lights, Camera, PowerPoint? Yes, will just a little bit of training and some free or affordable software, you too, can write, produce, even star in your own little training video. And it should be a training video. Take something that you already know how to fix, make or solve and then share this knowledge with your niche market via a video. But require that they use a signup form before they can view the complete video series.

(5) Create a Hubpage or Squidoo Lens

Both of these two Web 2.0 systems takes content in the form of videos, podcasts or articles and make them easily accessible and shareable to lots of its members. When you upload content to their sites, their members as well as visitors can "vote" on your content and can quickly bounce from your hub or lens back to your signup page on your website.

(6) Post in Forums

Join in forums where your target market hangs out in. Notice what problems people are talking about. Study the answers given and do your homework on learning more about most common ones. Once you know a bit more, when someone posts a topic, you can answer their question in a friendly and helpful way. Do this several times a week. Over time, people will come to think of you as an expert. Use your forum signature line to link back to your newsletter signup page.

You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you can build your list using these list building tools above.

This article with useful information about the importance of list building to increase your bottom line and ultimately your profits was brought to you by Michael Murphy. Try visiting also his list building site at http://www.downlinebuilderdirect.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_S._Murphy

Friday, August 8, 2008

5 Easy Tips For Free Subscriber Content Creation

1. Colour - A black background is not recommended. It's hard on the eyes. I don't know how many people have problems reading white or coloured text on a black background and with that said, don't go neon pink or glaring orange either. Generally black text on white background is best. Ideally you can choose two colours, but make sure they match and use it consistently on all your pages to maintain fluidity and continuity. For example: Reds and oranges which stimulates appetite works well on a food site while warm pastel colours matches a baby site.

2. Layout- Don't cram everything into one page. Cluttered websites overwhelms the visitors. Keep it clean, crisp and concise. I had a CMS style website before and although it looked organized because there were three columns, there were also a lot of text. Navigation wasn't as plain as day and it overloaded the senses. Take these three words to heart, less is more.

3. Navigation- The more user-friendly the better and your visitors are bound to stay longer. You don't want your visitors to be jumping through hoops to find what they are looking for. Make shopping carts or payment buttons visible and easily accessible. Everything should be just a click away. Make sure all your links are working. Finding broken links becomes frustrating and annoying.

4. Proper spelling and grammar - There's nothing good about visiting a website to find loads of misspelled words and poor grammar. It's unprofessional and you can bet your visitors will leave.

5. Speed - When it comes to website loading, no one likes to be kept waiting. They will definitely leave a site if it won't load properly. People's time is precious; don't make them wait.

6. Graphics - Be careful of using big flashy graphics or banners. Too many animated and too many big banners take away a site's credibility. It also slows down the loading time of your site considerably. Not everyone uses high speed Internet. Remember people don't wait around for slow loading sites.

7. Audio - If you like it and want it, change the default setting to give the visitor control if they want to hear audio or not. Make sure it's visibly accessible to the visitor. The last time I landed on a site, I couldn't find the button to disable the audio so I immediately X'ed out.

8. Pop-up anything - Although many people now have pop-up blockers, it may not be so much of a nuisance, but a pop-up of anything is intrusive, unwanted and annoying. Adding a form to your page in a highly visible spot is much more effective and non-intrusive.

9. Content - Informative, resourceful content will keep a visitor coming back. No one wants to visit a site that hasn't been updated in a long time. You can add a small graphic or a simple text in red with the word "NEW" or a "What's New?" page to inform your visitors you have made updates.

10. AdSense ads - Too many AdSense ads on any page looks scammy and it degrades the quality of your site.

If you can handle honest opinions, have someone critique your website. It really all comes down to personal preference and you will never be able to please everyone and that's okay.

The main goal is building a functioning, well laid out website that is successful and prosperous to you for many years to come.

Opt-In Email Marketing - Plan For Making it Big

Whether it is life or business planning is very important. In life we plan about our education, our marriage then for children and after that, their education and marriage. In fact our life is the outcome of various plans only. Now, if you are planning for some new online techniques of brand promotion then I am sure that your plan would be tried and tested. As no one wants to take big risk as far as online advertisement is concerned. And nowadays, people are choosing opt-in Email marketing to a great extent.

According to the Internet marketers opt-in Email marketing is the best Online advertising technique due to its affordability, transparency and result-orientedness. It is direct and very effective. In fact a responsive email list can be a nice way to make good money online and so opt in list building is a great start. Also, creating targeted email list may take time but it is profitable in the long term.

Internet marketers suggest to follow the following 5 steps for an effective opt-in Email marketing.

Step 1. Content-rich newsletter creation: No one can get impressed by general information so try to shoot latest and exciting news, real hot trends and fresh content.

Step 2. Relationship development: Take a good care of your subscribers and maintain a good relationship with them. You can send welcome messages or you may write something about special events. A strong connection can be developed with your subscribers with a little effort.

Step 3. Customer knowledge development: Know your customers and their need. Know your targeted group. By knowing better you can provide better solutions to theirs problems.

Step 4. For targeted traffic use forums: It works opt-in Email marketing. You may search for forums related to your product.

Step 5. Blog creation and Email list building: You can place in your opt in form which is a nice way to attract targeted people.

Therefore, apply these 5 steps and I am sure that opt-in Email marketing will bring real benefits for you. After all its a step by step plan.

Author is expert in email marketing, presently render her services to Rupiz Xpress that helps you in building email marketing campaign, opt in email marketing, custom lead generation, bulk email marketing etc.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lalita_N
Whether it is life or business planning is very important. In life we plan about our education, our marriage then for children and after that, their education and marriage. In fact our life is the outcome of various plans only. Now, if you are planning for some new online techniques of brand promotion then I am sure that your plan would be tried and tested. As no one wants to take big risk as far as online advertisement is concerned. And nowadays, people are choosing opt-in Email marketing to a great extent.

According to the Internet marketers opt-in Email marketing is the best Online advertising technique due to its affordability, transparency and result-orientedness. It is direct and very effective. In fact a responsive email list can be a nice way to make good money online and so opt in list building is a great start. Also, creating targeted email list may take time but it is profitable in the long term.

Internet marketers suggest to follow the following 5 steps for an effective opt-in Email marketing.

Step 1. Content-rich newsletter creation: No one can get impressed by general information so try to shoot latest and exciting news, real hot trends and fresh content.

Step 2. Relationship development: Take a good care of your subscribers and maintain a good relationship with them. You can send welcome messages or you may write something about special events. A strong connection can be developed with your subscribers with a little effort.

Step 3. Customer knowledge development: Know your customers and their need. Know your targeted group. By knowing better you can provide better solutions to theirs problems.

Step 4. For targeted traffic use forums: It works opt-in Email marketing. You may search for forums related to your product.

Step 5. Blog creation and Email list building: You can place in your opt in form which is a nice way to attract targeted people.

Therefore, apply these 5 steps and I am sure that opt-in Email marketing will bring real benefits for you. After all its a step by step plan.

Author is expert in email marketing, presently render her services to Rupiz Xpress that helps you in building email marketing campaign, opt in email marketing, custom lead generation, bulk email marketing etc.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lalita_N
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